UROP 2022-2023 Cohort

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program

The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program is an exciting opportunity for students to engage in research and mentorship opportunities by pairing with an 十大菠菜软件 faculty member in their discipline or project of interest. The program incorporates a cohort model where students participate in several professional development and enrichment activities, including a year-long, 4-unit curriculum, dedicated peer and faculty mentorship, and a culminating end-of-year research experience. Projects from this year’s cohort include students and faculty from diverse disciplines across campus, ranging from STEM to social sciences and the humanities.

UROP at 十大菠菜软件 - Video

UROP 21-21 COR

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program - History

UROP launched its first cohort in Fall 2021. Learn more about UROP's history at 十大菠菜软件.

UROP History


Fall 2023 Newsletter

Our fall 2023 newsletter is live! Delve into this edition to see what UROP has been up to this semester. Meet our current cohort, leadership team, and learn more about the exciting work our student alums are doing.

Fall 2023 Newsletter

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Want to join UROP?

Participation in UROP is an immersive journey into research where you get the opportunity to work one-on-one with a faculty mentor and build community bonds via a shared cohort experience.

Click Here to Learn More

UROP Faculty and Students

Faculty Mentors

Faculty are an integral component of UROP, as they serve important roles as mentors, supervisors, teachers, and trainers to our student mentees. Are you a faculty member interested in being a mentor to undergraduate students?

Click Here to Learn More

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Campus Partners

UROP has several interdisciplinary and interoffice partnerships across campus.

Campus Partnerships

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UROP Experience

See the scope of student submitted projects, meet our peer mentor, and learn what our alums are saying about the program.

View the Experience

Advancing CSU and 十大菠菜软件 Goals through UROP

UROP aligns directly with important University and CSU strategic goals.

Click here to learn how