2021 Self-Study Report Appendices

  1. Appendix A_十大菠菜软件-Impact-Full-Report_2021

  2. Appendix B_WASC Accreditation Report - Organization and Senior Leadership

  3. Appendix C_Student Affairs Summary of Programs and Services for Students

  4. Appendix D_2016-19 十大菠菜软件 DSA Strategic Plan Final

  5. Appendix E_Proposed Five-Year Strategic Enrollment Management Concept 2020-2025

  6. Appendix F_Student Affairs Examples of Purposeful and Planned Data Collection

  7. Appendix G_Statement from 十大菠菜软件 Staff Council
  8. Appendix H_Academic Advising Structure_Draft

  9. Appendix I_Spartan Integrated Student Advising Strategy (June 2021)

  10. Appendix J_NACADA Consultants 十大菠菜软件 Report Final

  11. Appendix K_WASC 2020 Report - Academic Advising Progress

  12. Appendix L_Graduate Student Needs Survey F20 Executive Summary

  13. Appendix M_T_TT Strategic Hiring Themes

  14. Appendix N_Race_Ethnicity of New Tenure Line Faculty 16-17 Through 20-21
  15. Appendix O_Assessment of the Core Competencies
  16. Appendix P_Contact Zone Pedagogy in Stretch English

  17. Appendix Q_List of measures taken to close the $92 million gap

  18. Appendix R_R_I Rationale - WASC

  19. Appendix S_Cluster Hire Themes Funding Landscape- RD - Nov 2020