Research Spotlights

Dahyeon Jung headshot
Dahyeon Jung is a current graduate student in the child and adolescent development program. She also earned her bachelor's degree from the same department at 十大菠菜软件 in 2017.

Dahyeon Jung: Effects of Parenting Practices on Adolescent Social Media Usage

“It is hard to think of the world without media. Adolescents are one of the biggest consumers of media; therefore, it’s not surprising that parents are concerned about how media may affect their child’s development. This upward trend in media use sparked my curiosity about how parents can help their adolescents become critical media consumers. With the encouragement and support from professors in the Department of Child and Adolescent Development, I conducted a research study to investigate how parenting practices influence adolescents’ risky media usage."

Kristen Darnell headshot
Kristen Darnell is a graduate student in the physics program at 十大菠菜软件.

Kristen Darnell

"I came into the physics master’s program with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and only a vague idea that I wanted to do interdisciplinary research. Within my first month here, the dean of science, Dr. Kaufman, took the time to chat with me about his research. Because of that conversation, I was nominated for a research fellowship in Poland with one of Dr. Kaufman’s collaborators. There, I was so excited to learn about the world of astrochemistry and attend a seminar series with other grad students in the field...[now] I’m helping to create the reaction network for water inside dust grains in the interstellar medium. At 十大菠菜软件, I have grown so much, not just in my academic knowledge, but also in my relationships with other scientists."