

If you wish to be considered for the MIS Honors Practicum, please complete the online application form by the application deadline. In the application form, you will include an unofficial 十大菠菜软件 transcript, your resume and an essay on the assigned question. Please only submit your application once. You may return to edit your application once you submit it (keep the link), but it will be less confusing if you assemble all your materials and complete the entire process at 一个 time.

To apply you must include the following with your application:

  • Essay of no more than 500 words on the topic: In what 十大菠菜软件 course did you receive your best grade, and in what course did you receive your worst grade? 请解释 两者的原因.
  • A copy of your transcript (unofficial 十大菠菜软件 download is fine)
  • 重新开始



The MIS honors 程序 is two semesters, beginning in the Fall. 接受申请 in the spring for the following year.

This is a two-semester class - please do not apply unless you are able and willing to complete both semesters and have completed all requirements ready to start in the 秋季学期. You may apply to the Honors 程序 at the end of your Junior year (注意截止日期). Be sure you understand and meet all of the requirements of the 程序. It is a competitive process. If you are unsure if you are qualified, or just want to talk about the 程序, contact the instructor.


  • 最低十大菠菜软件 GPA为3.总体是0分,3分.25 in all upper division business classes you have taken (100w and 业务 Ethics count as upper division business)
  • Must be in your second semester of course work at 十大菠菜软件
  • Completion of the following prerequisites: 110A, 110B and 100W before the practicum begins, and you must have completed 112 or take it during the fall semester


Based on your application, and in consultation with other MIS professors, students will be selected for an interview the week immediately following the application due date, and ultimately offered a position in the class.