第三届| 2019届

罗陀Aravamudhan Aravamudhan达

  • 家乡: 印度
  • 本科: BS in Chemical 工程 at Birla Institute of Technology in Pilani, 印度
  • 研究生: 圣何塞州立大学工程学硕士
  • 主要研究方向:
    • 教育政策
    • 教育公平
    • Designing effective strategies for remedial learning for students from socio-economically 弱势的背景
    • 支持新教师的教师培训方法
  • 个人兴趣: Traveling, reading, spending time with family and friends, and volunteering at education 非营利组织.

安吉Buckner 安吉Buckner

  • 家乡: 加州Soquel
  • 本科: 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校女性研究/社区研究学士学位
  • 研究生: 圣何塞州立大学公共卫生硕士
  • 主要研究方向:
    • 多样性
    • 学校的气候
    • 社区参与
    • 平滑的过渡
    • 健康教育
    • 政策
    • 公共卫生和公共教育的交叉点.
  • 个人兴趣: Spending time with family and friends, camping, traveling, and biking.


  • 家乡: 加州莫德斯托
  • 本科: 加州州立大学萨克拉门托分校文科学士学位
  • 研究生: 威尔克斯大学教育(教学媒体)硕士
  • 主要研究方向:
    • Best practices to prepare, train, support and retain excellent teachers
    • Influence of play, games, and creative time to improve motivation and learning 
    • Global student collaboration through the use of instructional technology
  • 个人兴趣: Traveling, exploring, playing games with family and friends, reading, and sprint triathlons.  

Analiza FilionAnaliza Filion

  • 家乡: 加州圣华金谷
  • 本科: BS in 业务 政府 (Marketing) at San Francisco State 大学
  • 研究生: MA in 教育/Elementary Teacher 教育 at 大学 of Phoenix at Honolulu 校园.
  • 主要研究方向: One area of research that I would like to pursue is the educational technology needs 生活在农村社区的学生. 我想了解他们的需求 are being met since budgetary constraints and geographic challenges of internet connectivity 这些因素是否在这些学区内. 我想研究的另一个领域 to pursue is the educational needs of refugee children living in the San Francisco 海湾地区. I would like to understand the unique needs of this student population and 我们的学校系统对他们的影响.  
  • 个人兴趣:  My personal interests include spending time with my family, researching fashion trends, planning and hosting special events, traveling, reading, going to the beach, and working 在健身房. 


  • 家乡: 北卡罗来纳州的桑福德
  • 本科: BA in Sociology and African American Studies at 大学 of North Carolina at Chapel 山
  • 研究生: MA in Sociology at North Carolina Central 大学 and Masters of School 政府 在费耶特维尔州立大学 
  • 主要研究方向: 
    • 股本 & 改革
    • 特许学校
    • 非西方教育模式 & 策略)
    • Differentiation of Instruction (Hands-on, Service Learning, Technology)
    • 蒸汽
    • 班级规模
  • 个人兴趣: Bowling, cooking, sightseeing/traveling, spending time with family 


  • 家乡: 圣何塞,加利福尼亚
  • 本科: 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校西班牙语/拉丁文学专业
  • 研究生: UC Santa Cruz - Masters in 教育 and BCLAD Teaching Credential San Jose State 大学,行政服务证书和硕士学位.教育领导学A
  • 主要研究方向:  As an educational leader I am interested in researching better leadership practices 提高少数民族学生的学业成绩. 在过去的二十年里,我 have worked in a K-8 district that serves primarily Hispanic/Latino students, English Language-Learners and students from Low socio-economic backgrounds. 我有一种激情 and a strong commitment to improve the learning environment/conditions of the students 我服务. I'm aware that the needs of the students I currently serve are many and the achievement gap for these students is not closing but getting larger. 这是必须的 for educational leaders that are responsible for educating a diverse student population to find research based practices to improve educational equity, access, and provide culturally relevant teaching to address the educational needs of urban students.
  • 个人利益: My personal interests are reading, gardening, and spending time with family.


  • 家乡: 圣马丁,加州
  • 本科: 圣何塞州立大学认知心理学教授
  • 研究生: Clinical Child Psychology and Counseling, CSU Hayward (East Bay)
  • 主要研究方向: Inclusive practices including the benefits and costs for both special and general 教育学生. The real costs of special education including student achievement 结果.
  • 个人兴趣: Family, travel, hot yoga, gardening, hiking, foreign missions, and beekeeping 


  • 家乡: 圣何塞,加利福尼亚
  • 本科: 在奇科的科罗拉多州立大学获得文科学士学位
  • 研究生: M.Ed. 课程 & 那慕尔圣母院大学的教学
  • 主要研究方向: I am interested in teacher education and how individuals are prepared to be teachers, including preservice training, induction programs, and supporting new teachers in the profession, as well as continuing professional development.
  • 个人兴趣: I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, drawing, camping, riding horses, ice 滑冰和旅行. Most of my time is spent with my husband and two daughters, doing anything together from hanging out at home watching a movie to traveling abroad. 


  • 家乡: 霍利斯特,加州
  • 本科: History with emphasis in Teaching at San Diego State 大学
  • 研究生: M.A. 圣克拉拉大学教育管理专业
  • 主要研究方向:
    • 重新设计教育系统
    • 总结性评估系统
    • 教育领导的文化能力
  • 个人兴趣: 体育运动,健身,家庭/社交 


  • 家乡: 出台,密歇根州
  • 本科: 经济学
  • 研究生: 人力资源和组织发展. 还有顾问教育,PPSC
  • 主要研究方向: My research interests include, but are not limited to, the following themes:
    • Impact of student college/career readiness and education-stage transition support 关于生活结果;
    • Leveraging innovation and multicultural/global awareness to increase global impact of education; and
    • Leadership best practices for performance development and retention of faculty and 工作人员
  • 个人兴趣: My favorite activities outside of work include hiking, kayaking, listening to (and sometimes singing along with) vocal jazz, and generally relaxing with my family and 狗. 


  • 家乡: 摩根山,加利福尼亚
  • 本科: 美国文化研究,以种族为重点 & 西华盛顿大学的性别研究 大学
  • 研究生: Student Affairs in Higher 教育 at Colorado State 大学
  • 主要研究方向: 我的研究兴趣包括:
    • Examining the intersection of identities (racial, ethnic, class, religion, gender, sexual orientation) in particular students of color in the P-16 educational system with a special emphasis on first-generation college students as it relates to issues of access, retention, graduation, and culturally responsive pedagogy;
    • Developing a comprehensive age/class appropriate diversity/social justice curriculum and training model; and
    • Analyzing policy, educational reforms, and institutional structures that often create barriers and inequities in our schools through a critical social justice lens.
  • 个人兴趣:  我喜欢旅行、烹饪和尝试新餐馆. 但这是我的时间 with my two beautiful children, husband, family, and friends that I cherish the most.