

股本. 质量. 包容.

Recognizing the potential each and every child brings into the world, the early childhood institute (eci) at sjsu promotes equitable, high-quality, inclusive early learning experiences through: expanding and enhancing the 培训 of early childhood professionals; collaborating with campus and community partners 提前应用 研究; and engaging in 宣传 efforts that benefit educators, young 孩子们, and 家庭.

We invite you to connect with us:



ECI is a community-focused institute, designed to generate opportunities for interaction among current and past students, 十大菠菜软件 faculty, local early childhood leaders, and 从业人员. Our work is informed by, and directed toward, the needs and interests of diverse populations and stakeholders within the community.

Are you an 十大菠菜软件 alumni whose career involves working with young 孩子们 and their 家庭? Are you interested in connecting with other alumni and current students who share the goal of promoting high-quality early care and learning experiences for 孩子们?

Connect with us as we build a student-alumni network



玛丽亚Fusaro, EdD, Co-Founder and Director
Dr. Fusaro’s 研究 centers on how young 孩子们, under age 5, learn from and with other people, through verbal and gesture-based communication and through question-answer 交流. Bridging her teaching and 研究, she also studies the preparation of undergraduate students for careers in infant/toddler care and education, and for providing high quality, supportive learning experiences for young 孩子们.


安德里亚Golloher, PhD, Co-Founder and Associate Director
Dr. Golloher has been passionate about the field of early childhood special education and the power of 研究 to improve practice since she entered the field as an in-home therapist for 孩子们 with autism. Her current work focuses on developing support systems to increase capacity for inclusive practices to benefit each and every child, 从一开始.


艾米丽Slusser, PhD, Co-Founder and Head of Outreach
Dr. Slusser began her career in child development as the program coordinator for a community based organization where she developed language and literacy curriculum 适合学龄前儿童. Her current 研究 explores how cognitive resources drive language learning and how language, in turn, supports further conceptual development.


  • ECI Response to Governor Newsom’s Budget Proposal (submitted to CA Representatives, Jan. 2020)
  • ECI Position Statement on the CTC’s Proposed Early Childhood 教育 Performance Expectations and Program Guidelines (2018年7月提交给CTC)


Join us at an upcoming ECI event, bringing together faculty, students, and community partners engaged in early childhood 研究, practice, and 宣传.


If you are looking for early education and care for your child, please contact our 合作伙伴: