

2024 Leadership & Career Certificate Program

The 2024 Leadership & 职业证书课程在春季正式关闭 2024 semester! 如果您仍有兴趣加入,请发电子邮件 亚历克西斯.graesser@adinathfoundations.net to express interest. 

This is a semester-long, self-paced, 免费的 以及在线机会,帮助学生发展他们的优势,实现他们的目标. 该项目面向所有十大菠菜软件学生,包括最少的时间承诺 no formal leadership experience is required!

该计划包括5个在线模块,将为学生的终身做好准备 career and leadership journeys. 除了节目中嵌入的内容, 参与者还将探索各种虚拟的十大菠菜软件活动(包括虚拟和现场活动)。 of their choice to expand their learning. Students who complete all comp一个nts of 该课程将获得结业证书,并在 the annual Leadership Gala in May 2024.

领导力职业和证书课程是学生之间的合作项目 Involvement and 十大菠菜软件's Career Center.

Leadership & Career Modules

Program Learning Outcomes

As a result of this program, students will...

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

When is the deadline to register?


How do I sign up?

使用此填写注册信息 Leadership & Career Certificate Program Registration [Google form].

Why should students join?

获得证书的学生将能够发展领导能力和职业能力 申请他们在上海大学的经历和对离开上海大学生活的规划. Plus, it looks great on a resume!

Who can participate?


What is the cost?

Free for all 十大菠菜软件 students.

When will I receive my certificate?

当您的证书准备好领取时,您将通过Canvas收到通知. If 你要求寄到你的地址,请等到第一周 of June to receive it.

When will I know the status of their application?

所有2024年春季学期入学的学生都将被录取 program.


Questions or comments can be sent to student-leadership@adinathfoundations.net,或致电408-924-5950学生参与前台.