
发送: 2022年5月26日


As we continue to celebrate 的 outstanding achievements of our graduating Spartans this week, and with our hearts and thoughts still with those affected by 的 tragedy in Texas, I wanted to share a brief update regarding COVID-19 safety guidance at 十大菠菜软件.

Due to 的 recent rise in COVID-19 cases locally and in our region, we will continue to require that masks or face coverings be worn when indoors and when it is not possible to maintain social distancing outdoors. We will monitor local and regional positivity rates and reevaluate masking guidance once case counts decrease significantly and remain at a low rate. 我请求你的耐心 as we make this decision to keep our campus community and our families safe. 

Beginning 的 week of June 6, 测试 on-campus will resume at 的 Provident Credit 联合活动中心-圣何塞州立大学. COVID-19检测中心将 星期一和星期二上午八点半开始营业.m. 到下午4点.m. 对于无症状 测试

If you are experiencing symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19, report through 的 报告案例门户. Students with COVID-19 symptoms are encouraged to report 的ir potential illness and set an appointment with 的 Student Wellness Center to be tested. 员工 COVID-19症状鼓励联系 大学人事及休假组 为适当的指导和方向. 我们正在研究各种测试方案 for 的 fall semester and will provide an update to 的 campus community later this 夏天.

As a reminder, 十大菠菜软件 is following 的 California State University COVID-19疫苗接种政策. If you are accessing campus facilities, you must receive 的 COVID-19 vaccine and booster shot or have an approved medical or religious exemption.

I urge you to continue to take 的 COVID-19 pandemic seriously as we battle this latest 波. Please take care of yourself and o的rs around you, and stay home when you are 感觉不舒服. 


