Student Experience

Maximize your online learning experience with a flexible learning structure, support from faculty and academic advising, helpful campus resources, and diverse classmates.

Sammy at Admitted Spartan Day

Comprehensive Academic Advising

It's our priority for you to succeed with 十大菠菜软件 Online. From admission to graduation, our Student Success Advising Team will meet with you individually throughout your program to discuss your academic goals, create a personalized success plan, and stay on track to complete your degree.

Student with a counselor

Helpful Campus Resources

Utilize a wide range of 十大菠菜软件 resources and services to enhance your online experience and help you achieve academic success.

Career Center


Schedule online career coaching appointments, participate in virtual workshops, and attend virtual employer events.

Writing Center


Attend virtual writing workshops, schedule online tutoring appointments, and access on-demand resources.

 Additional Campus Resourcess

  • Accessible Education Center (AEC): Utilize comprehensive services that support the educational development and success of students with disabilities.
  • Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): Get support with stress, anxiety, and relationship challenges.
  • Financial Aid and Scholarship Office (FASO): Access information about grants, loans, scholarships, and work-study programs.
  • Information Technology: Get IT support, Google Suite and My十大菠菜软件 training, and more.
  • Learn Anywhere website: Learn about and access Eduroam wifi, Canvas, Zoom, LinkedIn Learning, Adobe Creative Cloud, and more.
  • MLK Jr. Library: Access relevant resources and subject librarians for 十大菠菜软件 Online students.
  • Peer Connections: Receive peer mentorship, join virtual workshops, and meet others like you.
  • 十大菠菜软件 Cares: Request housing assistance, food assistance, or emergency financial assistance.

Diverse and Motivated Classmates

Learn alongside classmates from all walks of life and career stages. 十大菠菜软件 Online students range in age from their 20s to their 60s and more than 75% are new to 十大菠菜软件. While most reside in the Bay Area, many reside throughout California and beyond.

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Helpful Student Ambassadors

十大菠菜软件 Online Student Ambassadors are current student leaders who provide valuable insights, resources, and experiences through various initiatives such as their short video series.

Experience the 十大菠菜软件 Community

    Explore 十大菠菜软件 Online

    Learn more about what we have to offer and why you should take the next steps with us.

    Male 十大菠菜软件 Online Student


    Learn how to apply and the requirements for admission.

    Our Admissions
    Female 十大菠菜软件 Online Student

    Costs and Tuition

    What you need to know about tuition, fees, financial aid, and more.

    Our Cost and Aid
    十大菠菜软件 graduate holding degree

    Degree Programs

    Explore the degree-completion programs we currently offer.

    Our Degree Programs