Garrick Percival

 Garrick Percival

椅子 & 教授 

Department of Political 科学




state and local government, crime policy and politics, public policy, American politics

Current Research Activities

My research is primarily interested the nexus between crime policy, racial politics, and inequality at state and local levels of government.  How do state and local actors and institutions shape the decision impose criminal sanctions?  How do public attitudes about race and ethnicity shape our capacity to reform our broken American criminal justice system?

Research 连接s to Current 事件

Broadly speaking,  work provides insight into how politics and political institutions shape policy decisions  made at the state and local levels of government.  In California, my work investigates how political forces and institutions shape the state's capacity to shrink the size of the our prison population.  Finding ways to reduce imprisonment will contribute to greater racial and ethnic equality in California.


state and local government, crime policy and politics, public policy, American politics