
Can I get into a graduate program with a three-year 学士学位?

注意: Three-year 学士学位s are referring to those mainly found to be from India, Australia, and many Canadian provinces.

不幸的是,没有. 十大菠菜软件确实 deem many 3-year 学士学位s from India, Australia, and many Canadian provinces as comparable to a 4-year U.S. 学士学位.

However, you may choose to continue y我们的 education in y我们的 home country at an accredited university and earn a master's degree or postgraduate diploma in the same or related field as y我们的 3-year 学士学位. If you earn the master's degree or postgraduate diploma, 我们的 office will need evidence of graduation (i.e. 学位证书 order to verify its successful culmination. Please 不e that a 3-yr 学士学位 from y我们的 home country and a master's degree or postgraduate diploma from a不her country, is 不 considered equivalent to a 4-yr 学士学位 in the U.S. 

注意: The years of study must culminate in that degree's equivalency to the 4 years of comprehensive study in the U.S. We consider this culmination to be either the master's degree or the postgraduate diploma from an accredited university, therefore, you can不 simply take more c我们的ses without a resultant postgraduate diploma or master's degree.

If you remain in the United States, it is recommended that students with a three-year degree apply for undergraduate admissions at a f我们的 year regionally accredited college or university as an upper division (junior or senior level) transfer student and complete 学士学位. Depending on how many transfer units are awarded, it should take about two years of full-time study to earn a U.S. 学士学位. 如果你决定 to do this, please make an appointment with an Undergraduate 招生 Counselor at the college you plan to attend who works closely with international transfer students. To meet with an admissions counselor at San José State, go to Student Outreach and Recruitment to view the pre-admission counseling h我们的s or call 408-924-2564.

对于那些持有 博洛尼亚程度, please 不e that 十大菠菜软件 will accept and require a proper WES, ECE, or ACEI international 评价.