Chemical and Materials 工程


祝贺你 on your graduation! It must be a very proud moment for you. 所有的 hard work you have put in at 十大菠菜软件 has paid off. As you cherish the fruits of your hard work, I wish that success keeps following you in everything that you do. Today and always…You have made us all proud; keep up the good work. 祝贺你!

Dr. 阿加沃沙市

Heartiest congratulations to the graduating class of 2021. You are the best and smartest and there is nothing but success in your future. You made such a wonderful experience of transitioning from classroom to online instructions and your spirit was amazing. I enjoyed every minute of teaching MATE 152 to you. 愿一切都好!.


祝贺你 on achieving your degree; one of the major achievements of your life.  As you go on, make sure your data is good before you use it to make recommendations 或者决定:) .  Keep in touch; you still have a role to play in the Chemical and Materials 工程 Department.


祝贺你毕业! Don't forget 十大菠菜软件 MATE, come to the alumni event :)

Dr. 桑托什KC

祝贺你 class of 2021!
I do understand that your final semester had been complicated and inconvenient in 很多方面. I commend your perseverance, flexibility and resilience in this difficult 情况. I am confident that whatever you learned at 十大菠菜软件 will be instrumental in 塑造未来的职业生涯.
祝你好运. Please, stay safe and healthy!

Xhavin Sinha

“如果你想要,就去争取. Take the risk and defy the odds."