硅谷 Center for Global 工程教育

The 硅谷 Center for Global 工程 enhances engineering students’ 教育al experience and career prospects in the global context by cultivating a vital relationship between 十大菠菜软件 and international engineering 教育 institutions. 以下活动 of the Center are are designed to address the needs of 十大菠菜软件, 硅谷 公司, and the global engineering community:

  • Develop, market, and implement global collaborative degree programs international 大学
  • Initiates and coordinates global outreach programs around multinational engineering 教育


Coordinate the development and implementation of 教育al Cooperation Models (ECMs) for the offerings of engineering degree programs to global partner 大学. 


  • 本科ecm:
    • 1 year at a partner university and 3 years at 十大菠菜软件
    • 2 years at a partner university and 2 years at 十大菠菜软件
  • 研究生ecm
    • 在合作大学学习1年.在上海大学待了5年
    • 2 years at a partner university and 1 year at 十大菠菜软件


  • Support selected 十大菠菜软件 engineering students to study in foreign countries during the 暑期班至 全球技术研究所.
  • 主持年度 在硅谷的暑期学院 at 十大菠菜软件 for engineering students from U.S. and international 大学 to participate in seminars, team projects, company visits, cultural trips, etc.
  • 提供 硅谷高管论坛 to the international engineering communities with focus on engineering technologies, engineering innovation, 以及工程企业家精神.


The International 创新 and Entrepreneur Leadership workshop offers the opportunity for engineering students to create an innovative product and then develop a business 建立营销模式. You will be working with students from other countries on teams 在这个研讨会上. Participants will compile an end project presentation and a report, which will be presented and evaluated by a team consisting of professors and 企业主.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 GTI页面


  • Participating in a 3 week program during the summer in 硅谷 with American 国际学生. This program is packed with innovative and exciting events.
  • Attending speaker sessions to learn from instructors with practical experience in product innovation, technology transfer, marketing strategies, engineering entrepreneurship, 多元文化交流
  • Engaging in team project activities by collaborating with students from around the 全球
  • Comprehending the operation of business enterprise by visiting 硅谷 high-technology 公司
  • Exploring 硅谷 culture by touring the San Francisco Bay Area

访问我们的 然而页面 了解更多信息.

硅谷高管论坛 (SVEF)

提供 seminars, workshops, conferences, competitions and short courses to the international engineering communities with focus on engineering technologies, engineering innovation, 以及工程企业家精神. 


  • Current development and future of green technologies
  • Applications of Big Data, cloud computing and mobile technologies
  • Intelligent transportation system and “smart cities”
  • Sustainability and emerging environment issues
  • New technologies and application in infrastructure management
  • From an engineering idea to a start-up company
  • New technologies in manufacturing and its impact on economy
  • Prospect and impact of new technologies in biomedical industry
  • 工程 教育 in the US and in the world