
We are pleased to share the success of 十大菠菜软件's principal investigators who were awarded 2022年8月期间的赠款和合同:


Lucas College and Graduate School of 业务

凯伦E. 希拉里·菲尔布里克. 尼克松, 商务,院长办公室
MTI Database on Terrorist and Serious Criminal Attack against Public Surface 运输: 2022
赞助商: 运输 Security 政府 – $180,089.

康妮L. 卢里教育学院

卡蒂亚阿基拉, 教师教育
圣何塞州立大学 Single Subject Intern Program
赞助商: Milpitas Unified School District – $80,535.

查尔斯W. 戴维森工程学院

刘开凯,吴文森, 计算机工程
RINGS: Enabling Joint Sensing, Communication, and Multi-Tenant Edge AI for Cooperative 感知系统
赞助商: 国家科学基金会:665,053美元.

Liat罗森菲尔德, Biomedical, Chemical, and Material 工程
赞助商: California State University, Fresno – $4,000.

帕特里克•旅途 Biomedical, Chemical, and Material 工程
Reactive Ion Plasma Treatment of Cardiovascular Biomaterials to Understand the Effect 纳米形貌对内皮化的影响
赞助商: National Institutes of Health – $138,828.

阿里•Tohidi 机械工程
Heat Transfer Model for the Assemblage of Firebrands Over Surface Fuels
赞助商: 国家科学基金会:343,370美元.


珍妮弗一. Schachner, 运动机能学
Title III D Health Promotion Evidence-Based
赞助商: 来源方面- 55102美元.

尤兰达任意子, 社会工作学校
赞助商: University of California, Los Angeles – $123,306.


尹忠汉、Ozgur Keles、 设计
Exploring and Supporting San José’s Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Art through 3D打印技术
赞助商: National Endowment for the Arts – $20,000.


理查德•Mocarski 研究处
Developing a Toolkit for Transgender and Gender Diverse-Affirming Health Communication: A Community-Based Participatory 研究伙伴ship Approach
赞助商: 美国国立卫生研究院- 219,397美元.


W苏兹描述当时的情景. Aiello, Moss Landing海洋实验室
A Global Synthesis of Timing and Depth of Biosilica Mineralization in Cenozoic Marine Sediments Based on DSDP-ODP-IODP Legacy Cores
赞助商: 哥伦比亚大学——35,885美元

达斯汀·卡罗尔, Moss Landing海洋实验室
Impacts of Changing Sea-Ice on Arctic Ocean Biology
赞助商: 喷气推进实验室——47236美元

克雷格·B. Clements, Amanda Stasiewicz, Adam Kochanski, Kate Wilkin, 气象与气候科学
IUCRC Phase I: 圣何塞州立大学: Wildfire Interdisciplinary Research Center (WIRC)
赞助商: 国家科学基金会——32000美元

托马斯·康诺利,马克西姆·格兰德,霍莉·A. 鲍尔斯 Moss Landing缅因州实验室
CeNCOOS Partnership: Information Solutions to Power Healthy and Prosperous Oceanic, 沿海和河口社区
赞助商: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute – $59,206

玛雅·德弗里斯,斯科特·L. 汉密尔顿,迈克尔·格雷厄姆,卢克·加德纳 生物科学
Examining the Capacity of Seaweed and Shellfish Co-Culture to Improve the Physiology, Biomechanics and Outplanting of Farmed Juvenile Abal一个 & 牡蛎
赞助商: 商务部- 299,663美元

结果表明刁, 气象与气候科学
Developing Partnership Between 十大菠菜软件 and DOE Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to Enhance Climate Research Equity and Inclusion
赞助商: 能源部- 149,991美元.

结果表明刁, 气象与气候科学
Aerosol Indirect Effects on Cirrus Clouds Based on NASA Flight Campaigns and Global 气候模型
赞助商: NASA - 97,296美元

卢克·加德纳 Moss Landing海洋实验室
White Abal一个 Restoration Co-Culture 研究和 Production
赞助商: 商务部- 24,962美元

詹姆斯•哈维 Moss Landing海洋实验室
Suisun Marsh Waterfowl 科学 Investigations: Data Synthesis and Manuscript Preparation
赞助商: U.S. 地质调查——5万美元

Virginia Lehmkuhl-Dakhwe,科学, 院长办公室
硅谷 Research Practice Partnership for Computational Thinking and Positive Identity in Computer 科学 (SV RPP for CT & 图片)
赞助商: Santa Clara County Office of 教育 – $71,704

马可一. Sigala, Moss Landing海洋实验室
Morro Bay Foundation Bata Navigator Phase 2 – Update and Rebuild
赞助商: 莫罗湾海湾基金会- $4,938

爱德华•桑顿 Moss Landing海洋实验室
ROXSI: ROcky Shores eXperiments and Simulations–Thornton Portion
赞助商: University of California, San Diego – $59,222

米里K. VanHoven, 生物科学
The Effect of Sleep on Neural Circuit 连接s
赞助商: University of California, San Francisco – $175,466


肖恩·P. Laraway, 心理学
科目招聘办公室-任务编号. 2
赞助商: ASRC管理服务- 43,832美元. 

玛格丽特•史蒂文森 司法研究
Enhancing Employment Through Digital Literacy Workshops Pilot Program
赞助商: 圣克拉拉县- 15,906美元. 

苏珊·M. Snycerski, 心理学
Elroy Air的十大菠菜软件RF支持
赞助商: 埃尔罗伊航空- 43,837美元. 

苏珊·M. Snycerski, 心理学
Future Vertical Lift: Collaborative Research on 飞行控制, Autonomous Rotorcraft, 以及人机界面设计
赞助商: NASA - 340,786美元. 

苏珊·M. Snycerski, 心理学
Implementing Macroergonomics for Increasing the Safe, Effective, and Efficient Operation of the Entry Systems and Technology Division’s High Enthalpy 设施
赞助商: NASA - 57,527美元. 


曼特拉·罗伊,莱恩·道奇,卡莉·洛, 大学图书馆
赞助商: Institute of Museum and Library Services – $150,000.

Note: Some industry-sponsored awards are not listed due to their respective non-disclosure 条款.