IRB: Review Types and Timelines

Although the initial study application is the same for everybody, processing times 不同的审查类型. The following timeline for approvals is only a guide. 它可能 take more or less time, depending on the completeness of the application and the complexity 研究的一部分. With the exception of excluded work, the review type is determined by the IRB office and not by the research team. All submissions are typically screened within 5 business 天 and you may receive a preliminary response within 5-7 business 天. 

You may not begin ANY recruitment, enrollment, or data collection until you have received a formal approval letter from the 十大菠菜软件 IRB, regardless of whether the review type is exempt, expedited, or full board. The IRB does not approve research retroactively.

For more detailed information about these review types, including help with understanding when IRB approval is needed, please review the video "An Introduction to the IRB: What and When" posted 在我们的 educational materials page.


Self-determination by Principal Investigator that submission of an IRB application 不需要. 使用我们的 排除 Decision Worksheet [pdf] to make this determination. No confirmation from the IRB Office is needed. 


IRB Office evaluates the submission and conducts an administrative review. 看到我们的 table of exemption categories [pdf] to see what types of studies qualify. 所有适用的 study documents, as outlined 在我们的 清单(pdf),必须提交.

Approximate Timeline: 1 week (not including any revisions requested by IRB staff). 

注意: Just because a study meets the exemption criteria does not mean that the IRB cannot review it or that ethical comp一个nts like appropriate subject selection and consent are not important or unnecessary. 


Individual IRB member conducts the review after screening by IRB analyst.  看到 expedited review categories established by the federal regulations to see what types of studies qualify. 所有适用的 study documents, 正如我们的 清单(pdf),必须提交.

Approximate Timeline: 1 month.


Convened IRB committee conducts the review. Any research that poses greater than minimal risk to participants must be reviewed by the full board. 所有适用的 study documents, 正如我们的 清单(pdf),必须提交.

Approximate Timeline: 1-2 months. The committee does not meet over the summer and 冬季会议.