
Funding a specific research, scholarship, and creative activity (RSCA) project or line of work, and indeed securing continuous RSCA funding throughout your career requires strategic planning, consistent monitoring for opportunities, and careful targeting of the right funding opportunities. As such, 研究开发 is now responsible for managing all aspects of finding funding.

will now be the main tool with which to find RSCA funding and get automated funding alerts tailored to your RSCA needs.

主, is a comprehensive funding opportunities database that features customized funding searches, funding opportunity tracking, deadline alerts, and more. 主是 available to faculty, staff, and students. 


You will need to create a new account with your 十大菠菜软件 login information. 不要签字 in using the “Institution’s Credentials” option.

主标志Workshops on how to use 主 and create custom funding searches and tracking for your specific RSCA interests will be provided twice a semester. 到录音的链接 of our most recent workshop and sign-ups for the next event can be found on our Workshops and Training webpage. 你也可以 request a 1-1 主 training


The 有限的提交 process has been automated and is fully managed by the Office of Research using the 十大菠菜软件 InfoReady portal. 我们的新 有限的提交 portal is where you access and complete the required LOI by clicking the relevant active link through the 十大菠菜软件 InfoReady portal.

女孩对朋友微笑 Alerts of new and currently open 有限的提交 to the campus community will 是通过 mid-month, all-faculty, newsletter from the Associate Vice President for Research,和 Top-of-the-Month Newsletter sent to deans, associate deans of research (ADRs),和ll faculty. 此外, we will send just-in-time emails for key late-breaking opportunities.


Curated searches and curated lists of strategic funding opportunities of general relevance to 十大菠菜软件 faculty are now available anytime you log in to 主 and they can also be 访问以下.

电脑前的男人艺术与人文 | 教育, Economics, and Community Development | Health and Human 科学s and, 社会科学s | 科学, Technology, 工程, and Math | Strategic Grant Highlights | U.S. 联邦机构

If you have any issues using the curated searches, please send an email to funding-information@adinathfoundations.net