If you find yourself struggling to know where to begin exploring your research options, or simply in need of a little RSCA inspiration, take a look at these ‘top tips’ from 研发团队. 


is now 十大菠菜软件’s main tool to find RSCA funding and get automated funding alerts tailored 满足您的RSCA需求. 主, is a comprehensive funding opportunities database that features customized funding searches, funding opportunity tracking, deadline alerts, 和更多的. 主可供教师、员工和学生使用. 要探索主,你 will need to create a new account with your 十大菠菜软件 login information. 不要登录 using the “Institution’s Credentials” option as this will not work. 

关于如何使用主的研讨会, create custom funding searches, and track your specific RSCA interests will be provided 一学期两次. You can also request a 1-1 主 training by emailing

注册一个ORCID iD

We encourage all faculty researchers to register with ORCID, which provides a persistent digital identifier (ORCID iD) that distinguishes you from every other researcher. You can connect your iD with your professional information — affiliations, grants, 出版物及更多. You can use your iD to share your information with other systems, ensuring you get recognition for all your contributions, saving you time and hassle, 减少出错的风险. 在这里注册一个ORCID ID如果您有任何问题,请到我们的办公室来 Managing Online Scholarly Identity and Using 主 workshops where we will help you with any issues you have signing up, discuss managing your scholarly identity online, as well as show you how to find funding for 你RSCA activities.


Work with your RD specialist to formulate a strategic plan for proposal submissions 在5-10年的时间尺度上. This will save you time and energy in the long run, whilst allowing you the opportunity to take advantage of any additional opportunities that may come along, safe in the knowledge that you have a solid, efficient plan, to fund 你RSCA.


How do you know if a given request for proposals (RFP) is a good fit with 你RSCA? 问自己这四个问题:

  • 您想要/能够做的RSCA是否真正符合RFP?
  • Are you prepared with adequate preliminary works to be credible and competitive?
  • Do you have enough time to prepare a polished proposal?
  • Does it fit into your long-term RSCA strategic objectives?

If you answered no to 一个 or more of these questions you may want to find another RFP或者等待下一轮. 如不确定,请联系 研究开发!


Most funding agencies conduct numerous webinars, either specifically for a funding opportunity or more generally for a program, division or department. 一定要 look for webinars relevant to your funding opportunity or agency of choice - they provide a wealth of useful information, as well as opportunities for Q&A.


研究开发 is here to help you strategically plan for, and then complete your proposal before it goes to the 研究基金会 (RF) for submission! 除了 to working with RD much in advance of a submission, as soon as you know you will be 提交一个给定的提案,你也必须警惕 RF赞助项目办公室, so an assigned Proposal Development Specialist can plan time to ensure that your submission and routing happens on time and the experience is smooth. 3-4周内 of the due date, RF will begin actively working on your proposal. 你指定的 Proposal Development Specialist will offer guidance on how to prepare the budget, review the proposal submission timeline, provide needed compliance information, and will alert you to critical milest一个s involved in the required internal routing and 审批流程.


One of the best ways to learn about how agencies and programs review grants and what a fundable grant looks like is to volunteer to become a proposal reviewer. 这也是 a great way to get to know a program officer, and to learn deeply about a particular funding program to which you might apply in the future. 许多资助机构依赖 on faculty and scholars to review and advise them on proposals that should be funded. Most provide information online about how to become a reviewer. 参观 研究发展网页 for details on how to become a reviewer for your favorite funding agency. 全国 特别是卫生研究院,有一个 程序设计的早期职业评论家.


你已经从联邦机构获得资助了吗? 如果是这样,你可能会增加 your original award amount through a non-competitive request for “supplemental funding” to address unforeseen increased costs, or conduct extra but related “priority” research areas as designated by your funder—particularly 国家卫生研究院 and NSF. 详情请参阅 研发署的补充资助网页.


Associate Vice President for Research, Richard Mocarski, highlighted a new internal “十大菠菜软件 RAPID” award for RSCA projects that are time sensitive. Please be aware that NSF also has a Rapid Response Research (RAPID) proposal mechanism that is used when there is a severe urgency with regard to availability of or access to, data, facilities or specialized equipment, including quick-response research on natural or anthropogenic events and similar unanticipated occurrences. 申请 最高可达20万美元一年见 NSF的建议 & 奖励政策及程序指引(PAPPG) [pdf],第II-36页.