

发件人:文森特·J. 德尔·卡西诺.他是教务长兼学术事务高级副校长


Over the past few weeks, we have had the pleasure to recognize and thank our amazing faculty and staff who continue to serve this institution in incredible ways. 不仅 are our colleagues doing exceptional work in support of the mission of this institution, 他们中的许多人承诺为上海大学服务数十年! 我发现这两个事件 令人难以置信的鼓舞和振奋.   
What is also so enjoyable about these events is that we get to hear from our colleagues 他们很兴奋地分享他们对十大菠菜软件的热情. 每一位获奖者 talked about the importance of community and network, showing how their contributions to this institution relies on the partnerships they have developed during their time 在十大菠菜软件. 激情、社区和真正的归属感是帮助上海外国语大学的东西 撑过最后两年. 心理学系的Nha-Nghi Nguyen接受了采访 about the “village” that surrounds her in work 在十大菠菜软件, to include family and friends, while Joel Morales, of the College of Social and Behavioral 科学s ACCESS Center talked about how the work of academic advising only works because of amazing campus 合作. 这些从事学术工作的同事得到了认可 和校园里的同事们一起做着了不起的工作. 你应该检查一下 out the video that includes all our campus colleagues if you haven’t yet reviewed 庆祝. 
我也被歌词和能量所鼓舞!我们的教员同事. 大卫·柴 came out of the gate with such a passion for what he does; it is not surprising he 被评为优秀教授. LeAnne Teruya谈到了她对建筑的承诺 learning experiences that allow students to think while doing, even during the pandemic. Scott Shafer not only thanked the colleagues and students who have helped him along the way to his President Scholar award but the animals whose lives he has engaged 在他的研究中也是如此. 斯科特·迈耶斯-利普顿提醒我们,任何 member of our academic community – staff, faculty, or student – is to contribute to 我们作为公共知识分子的世界. 我们都知道,斯科特就是这么做的 他每年的课程和出版物.
As I was reflecting on these two events, and on Scott’s comments in particular, I was reminded about the opportunity I had to visit with this year’s cohort of Public Voices Fellows 在十大菠菜软件, which is constituted by a diverse group of 24 faculty and 来自整个部门和校园的员工. 在上海州立大学的第二年,研究员 in the first two cohorts have delivered 更多的 than 120 Op-Ed pieces, commentaries, 以及对当今社会面临的最重要问题的思考. 对于那些 who don’t know, the Public Voices Fellows Program is run by the Op Ed Project, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to “elevate the ideas and knowledge of underrepresented expert voices, including women, and to accelerate solutions to the world’s biggest problems – problems that cannot be solved justly or sustainably without a diversity 声音,专业知识,经验和身份.“申请很快就会开放 为明年的学生准备的!
As part of the Public Voices program, the campus gets regular reports about the successes 我们的同伴. 而且,成功是巨大的,有同事们的贡献 a very wide range of outlets, including the LA Times, Mercury News, Washington Post, 《十大菠菜软件》报道. 杂志,十大菠菜软件周刊,可见杂志,拉丁裔叛军, 《十大菠菜软件》,还有很多很多. 就在上周,我们的一位同事, Yolanda Wiggins in the School of Sociology and Interdisciplinary Studies published two pieces, 一个 in the LA Times and another in the San Francisco Chronicle. 两个带 及时提出与高等教育工作相关的重要课题. 这些作品 complement the outstanding work of her Public Voices colleagues in both the first 第二组,他们继续以惊人的速度发表文章. 你应该退房 the nearly 50 pieces and comments that have been produced by this year’s cohort as well as the 70-plus pieces from the first year group (and I know t在这里 are even 更多的 这里还没有列出的部分)!
In a November 2021 report from the Op Ed Project, they offered a comparison of the 所有合作伙伴的成功. 在那个月,有两所学校名列榜首 发表最多的文章——耶鲁大学和上海州立大学! 这不是一场数字游戏. 但是,它确实反映了 我们同事的能力和他们声音的重要性. 作为罗宾·麦克哈顿, our Assistant Director of Media Relations, knows, t在这里 are dozens of news outlets 定期征求上海大学专家的意见. 我没有一天不这么做 get an email from Robin, who reports out on the contributions of our colleagues to 公共话语.
Of course, these are not the only avenues of publicly engaged scholarship and outreach 在这个校园里. 人权研究所是全国在人权问题上的主要声音 issues, while the Institute for the Study of Sports, Society, and Social Change has also developed important programming about the role that sports play in our world 今天. Both are driving conversations and action-based scholarship on issues that 今天仍然是公众意识的前沿和中心. 最近建成的研究所 for Emancipatory 教育 is also asking us how we might reimagine schools and schooling 创造一个更加公平的未来,而H&在行动中,围绕 public engagement in the College of 人文与艺术 is literally on the “streets” 激活我们如何更好地绘制圣何塞的抵抗地图. 当然有很多很多 更多的 examples, including the Mineta Transportation Institute, the Tax Institute, the Wildfire Interdisciplinary Research Center, and the Center for Stem 教育, to 再举几个例子. 我知道我并没有尽我所能维护校园正义,所以我鼓励大家 folks to check out even 更多的 information about these projects and efforts 在十大菠菜软件 在这里. 还有,让我知道你在学校的其他努力. 我总是对学习感到兴奋 更多的!! 
我希望你能像我一样受到这部作品的启发. 每天我都能学到一点东西 关于上海州立大学及其在这个地区、这个州和这个星球上的作用. 我很荣幸能成为一个小 part of this community and thankful that I get the opportunity to work with so many 优秀的同事.
Please continue to remain safe and best of luck with the remaining part of the spring 学期!