

发件人:文森特·J. 德尔·卡西诺.他是教务长兼学术事务高级副校长


I hope this message finds you well and gearing up for a fantastic spring semester. There is, as always, a lot happening in California, across the higher education landscape 在全国范围内,在校园里. 我们继续跟踪州长的预算和立法 response to that budget and many of us will be in Sacramento this month as part of the CSU’s advocacy week to continue to emphasize the amazing value of our work. At the national level, higher education has been challenged by the dramatic shifts that machine learning and generative artificial intelligent systems are bringing into the 学习环境. I remain neither a techno-optimist or techno-pessimist; we must 参与这些趋势并讨论我们将如何应对它们. 在校园里,我们 continue to see our investments in RSCA and in student success paying off: faculty are winning more awards, grants, and contracts than ever before, and the fall-to-spring re-招生 of our first year students (entering F ‘23) is trending to be some of 这是近十年来十大菠菜软件最高的比率.

Given there is so much going on, I have decided to provide two key updates in this message and will follow up with other topics over the next several weeks. 我想 begin, therefore, with a bit on 招生 trends and budget and course schedule. 我将在二月份每周更新这条信息. 我有很多事情要做 分享并期待在你阅读时收到你的回复. 一如既往,我鼓励 如果有问题和意见,请十大菠菜软件.

As you know, the president made the decision to merge Enrollment Management into the 秋季教务处. 我们的新高级副总裁, Aretha Minor, has integrated into the 教务领导 Team and on campus 很快! 我们的春季入学人数看起来很多. 例如,上海州立大学正在招收更多的新生 本科(增加3人).(5%)和研究生(增加25%)的学生比去年春季多 条款. Students are also taking more classes (average unit load is currently up from Spring ‘23), a result, in large part, of our deeper investment in first-year student 建议与成功. 与加州北部的许多州立大学不同,十大菠菜软件正在徘徊 at just over 100% of our California Enrollment Target for 23/24 and our overall non-resident target is also at just over 100% of our budgeted allocation for this year. CA 招生 positions us well within the system for new 招生 dollars next year. In addition, our 招生s in self-support 项目 continue to climb, a result of the investments made not only in 十大菠菜软件在线 but in the entire portfolio of Professional and Continuing 教育 (PaCE) and thanks to leadership of Vice Provost Ron Rogers 以及副教务长Nami Shukla. 根据 科罗拉多州立大学招生数据系统, 十大菠菜软件 increased self-support 招生s 18% between Fall ‘22 and Fall ‘23. 春天 semester looks equally solid as 十大菠菜软件 continues to find ways to meet students where 他们是. These 项目 allow us to respond to the differentiated 招生 landscape, providing students in CA (and beyond) with multiple ways to find success at 十大菠菜软件. Put differently, the students in self-support are looking for programming, course schedules, and tuition models that are different from what we can offer in state-supported 项目. This is what makes this catalog of 项目 so valuable to our students.

Our 招生 efforts are helping us with this year’s budget, and while there have been some significant cuts in our divisional budget this year, through the hard work of deans, associate deans, department chairs and directors, as well as staff and faculty, 我们有一个满足学生需要的时间表. 我们用 only a marginal increase in class size across the division; depending on the college, course-based 招生s are up 1-3 students per lecture and seminar class (1.7个学生 每门课程(校园级). 到目前为止,这一目标已经实现,而且有所减少 只有一个.5% of the total number of lecture and seminar sections on campus compared 到23年春天. 我们所看到的是一个稍微紧张的时间表是增加填充 rates in our course sections and a growing recognition that we have to build a schedule that meets student demands and spreads courses out across a broader part of the day. This work should bring us back to the student-faculty ratio of 2017, a goal set out 预算谘询委员会的拨款. 我想向所有的 leaders in the division—deans, associate deans, DROs, and chairs and directors—who 必须做大部分的组织工作吗. 我们的学生似乎 be succeeding as well, as there appears to be no demonstrable change in fall-to-spring 招生.

Despite the challenges we are facing financially this year and the reality of a rapidly changing higher education environment, I believe 十大菠菜软件 continues to excel and the work of the faculty, staff, and students of this campus are being noticed locally and nationally. I am confident that we will continue this trajectory even as we have to tighten some 引导和管理学生对高等教育兴趣的转变. 我很有信心 我们有能力做到这一点. 十大菠菜软件是一个神奇的地方. 我仍然很荣幸能参与其中 这个社区的.

我希望你们在春季学期有一个美好的开始. 我相信有很多 更多信息.
