首页ownership Opportunities from Landed


Landed's down payment program invests alongside employees in education to help them 达到20%的首付款. Landed's funds, up to $120,000 per household, come in the form of an equity investment, meaning that homebuyers share in a portion of the gain (or loss, if any) of the value of the home once the partnership is ended — typically 通过出售或再融资. 当你 可能听说过, Landed’s down payment support has already helped several hundred Bay Area K-12 educators buy homes and recently expanded to serve higher education.

Landed also offers free homebuying services to educators, including building an expert homebuying team around you to help navigate all of your homebuying options, providing comprehensive property reviews, and delivering homebuying education and guidance to help you prepare for homeownership.

Landed’s down payment program is open to all 十大菠菜软件 employees – faculty, staff, and administrators – who have worked in education for at least two years, and is available 立即. You do not need to be a first-time homebuyer to participate.

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