

  • Conducts interviews and evaluates candidates based on previously established criteria
  • Recommends a candidate for hire to the hiring manager

The composition of your committee is critical to a successful search:

  • The committee can be as few as three people and should be diverse in its makeup
  • Members should have a working knowledge of the position or have a working relationship 有了位置
  • Members should have a commitment to the process


Nothing is more fundamental to the selection process than confidentiality of information. 保密 protects the process, identities and relative ranking of individual 申请人.

保密 requires that committee members refrain from discussing the status of any application, information learned from any document and information learned 面试过程中. This information is privileged even after the search is over 员工被雇佣了. The information is not for public disclosure.

Each committee member is viewed as an agent of the University. 在选择过程中 process, it is important to prevent a liability for the University or for individuals. Members who disclose privileged information run the risk of involving themselves and/or the University in potential legal action.

If you have any questions, please contact your 招募er (See 您的UP代表  for your specific recruiter by department.).