Independent Contractors

Campuses must comply with State/Federal laws and CSU policies regarding the proper classification of employees and independent contractors. Misclassification of a worker as an independent contractor can result in considerable wage and benefit obligations, financial penalties, tax consequences, and other liabilities.

For more information, refer to the CSU Independent Contractors Guidelines [pdf]

Department Responsibilities

When departments are considering using a current vendor in our system or 新员工培训 a new independent contractor, we ask that you:

1. 检查 美国广播公司(ABC)测试 provided by the State of California.

2. Complete the following documents:

3. Submit these documents to University Personnel for review and authorization

Verified as Independent Contractor

Once the department confirms the supplier qualifies as an independent contractor, they can proceed with 新员工培训 and/or submitting their request in 罚球.

Verified as a 十大菠菜软件 or CSU Employee

If the department determines the supplier qualifies as an 十大菠菜软件 or CSU employee, then they must proceed with a different payment option: