
Formal Solicitation for Goods and 服务

When requisitions exceed certain dollar amounts, we have a responsibility as a CSU campus to consider solicitations from additional suppliers and engage in 竞争性招标.  Bid limit thresholds are determined by dollar amount of the requisition and commodity 类型.

请参阅 bid limit thresholds and requirements to learn about the processing time and bidding requirements for your procurement 请求.

For more information, see the CSU 合同 and Procurement Policy.

Are there alternative options to the competitive bid process?

通过利用 SB/DVBE Option [pdf], departments can bypass the bidding process for goods/services/IT valued between $5,000.01美元和249999美元.99 [or up to $333,000 for public works contracts] after obtaining price quotes from at least two such businesses.

访问我们的 Small 业务es and Disabled Veterans page to learn more about the state requirements for SB and DVBE participation.

Additionally, the 合同 and Procurement Teams diligently explore current competitively bid agreements across the CSU and throughout the United States by utilizing what is called a Cooperative Agreement. An identified cooperative agreement may be applied to your procurement request, effectively circumventing the need for the standard competitive bidding requirements as indicated in our CSU Policy.

Are you a supplier looking to do business with 十大菠菜软件?

供应商 can visit our Bidding Opportunities page to learn about how to be considered for bidding opportunities with all California 州立大学.